Isopods, Millipedes and Cenitpedes

Kingdom Animalia

     Phylum Arthropoda


The common isopods we are accustomed to seeing are decomposers. These little guys live in leaf litter and help break down decaying matter.

rollie pollie

Some marine isopods can get to be very large, but these animals are also scavangers and decomposers.


There are also parasitic marine isopods that live in and on other animals, stealing nutrition from them.

grunt-with-isopod-attached isopod parasite

Kingdom Animalia

     Phylum Arthropoda


Millipedes have 2 pairs of legs per body segment. Millipedes are decomposers, but they do produce defensive toxins. Some millipedes can be dangerous to humans, but usually they are docile and do not want to be bothered. Some species can get to be very large!

millipede defensive ball millipede millipede2_large native millipede

Kingdom Animalia

     Phylum Arthropoda


Centipedes are predators. These animals have many body segments, but only one pair of legs per segment. They have pinching mouth parts that deliver a venomous bit that helps to subdue their prey. Some species of centipede are dangerous to humans, however the ones in NC would prefer to run from you rather than fight.

common NC centipede house centipede


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